Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 | 9:54 a.m. Alaska Time

More bad luck

Our minivan is a magnet for damage and vandalism.

The first thing that happened was that I was backing up for a space in a parking lot that has those curb-like stoppers at every space. The front bumper got stuck on it as I was pulling away, causing minor damage.

Then our left rear taillight was taken out with a baseball bat.

Then when we were at a farm in Palmer, somebody backed into the right front panel. No visible damage there, until we would open the door and it would make a noise.

Then, the collision where the other driver drove into us, causing nearly $3000 in damages, not to mention she and her family dragging it through traffic court and out with the insurance company!

And now this... About 8 this morning, hubby noticed the rear window was smashed.

I think the car is cursed.

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