Monday, Sept. 3, 2001 | 11:02 a.m. Alaska Time

Happy Happy Joy Joy! I got me a diaryring!!!

Psst... Hey kid, c'mere... Wanna join a diary ring? Join my new Breast Feeding Diaryring. I started it because of a recent entry of mine about breastfeeding. Since no one else had a ring about breastfeeding, I decided to pay Andrew to become a Gold Member and get my own diaryring.

Kitchen Logic and Uncle Bob were right, Jerry Lewis looks like shit. Did you see him during his telethon the past couple days? Sad, really sad.

Oh. my. god. I just ran into an old "flame" whom I hadn't seen in like eight years. I was driving out of my condo complex's driveway and he was driving in to visit his cousin. He honked, I stopped, we chatted. Weird. We were attracted to each other like TEN years ago, in ANOTHER town. The only thing holding us back... his wife. Nothing ever happened between us. He wanted to, but I respected his marriage and that was that. Good thing too, I guess, because he's gotten fatter, is balding, and is, well, kinda ugly now. Not that I'm Miss America now or anything! :p But ten years ago, we were both young and dumb, liked to have fun, and coming from a small town where there weren't many other "fish in the sea."

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