Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004 | 4:06 a.m. Alaska Time

Financial Woes


C turns 5 years old today, but we're having her party Saturday at a local roller rink.

Who woulda thought roller rinks would still be around in this day and age? I would've thought they'd gone out with the 80s. But there are two of them still in town here and walking into them is like taking a step back into the 70s. Disco ball and all.

We're actually having a small family party tonight at my mom and stepdad's house because they won't be in town for the bigger party.

The girls are at a point now where everything has to be equal. So, M wants a bday party too. So I made her a cupcake for her "cake" and we'll do the whole singing happy birthday to her too.

My head has been spinning with stress since last Thursday. That's when I received several notices from my credit union that our joint account was severly overdrawn and that the credit union was covering the checks for us, but charging a $20 fee for each check! I received two more such notices on Friday.

I didn't tell hubby because I didn't know how to tell him without him getting upset with me. I'm supposed to be the one paying bills and keeping track of our finances. I failed miserably and felt like that aspect of my life was out of control.

For a long time, he was interested in business, making money (and lots of it), and how much everything cost. So perhaps you can understand my apprehension in telling him about our situation.

I sat down with our checkbooks, a statement from the credit union, and Quicken software on our computer and figured we had about $300 to squeak by with until the next pay day.

I figured that, if I had to, I could borrow some money from one of the girls' accounts.

And that's what I was planning on doing yesterday after work.

Well, yesterday, hubby found out for himself how bad things had gotten. He found out by getting a phone call from a local collection agency about a couple bounced checks. So he got things straightened out at the collection agency and at the credit union. He transferred some of his savings into our checking account. He also got all the charges and fees imposed by the credit union reversed.

He then stopped by my work to tell me the bad news. I then explained to him I already knew and further explained what was going on. He wasn't mad with me, thank goodness. When he told me he transferred some money, I breathed a huge sigh of relief inside.

He's my financial knight in shining armour.

So when I got home, I further straighted out our finances and account and actually balanced the damn checkbook to the penny. First time in years I've actually done that.

So, new New Year's resolution--keep the checkbook balanced.

I've already broken my other resolution to fold the clean laundry.

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