Friday, Jan. 30, 2004 | 12:28 p.m. Alaska Time

God, Birthday Parties, and a Giant Sucking Sound

A few days ago, C asked me, "Mama, is God married?" I told her no. "Then why does he have a son?," she asked.

We've told her that when she grows up, she should be married before she has babies. We've also told her about Jesus being God's son. I guess she put two and two together. So I told her that God is married. I think she's too young to understand the whole Mary, Jesus, and Joseph story and immaculate conception and all.

We had a small family birthday party for her last night at my mom and stepdad's home. Since M wanted it to be her birthday too, I told her it was her half-birthday. After singing Happy Birthday to C, we sang Half-a-Birthday to M. Same as Happy Birthday, but replace Happy with Half-a. She was quite disappointed that she didn't get a birthday present from gramma and grampa as well. So grampa made it up to her by finding a small firetruck/helicopter/car set. She didn't want it at first, but when gramma started playing with it with her, she really enjoyed it.

Tomorrow is the big birthday party. Gotta order C's cake today and buy stuff for party bags. I really hate to spend money for party bag junk, especially after our recent brush with not enough money in the checking account. The party costs $55, the cake is about $20, a bike for C is another $50.

Plus, I gotta pay the babysitter about $250 for the past two weeks.

Hear that giant sucking sound? That's our bank account being drained.

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