Sunday, Oct. 20, 2002 | 5:37 p.m. Alaska Time

Is your butt minty fresh?

OMG. Can you believe this product? My husband heard about it on a local radio morning show.

Apparently, nobody from hubby's side of the family went to �uke & M@rlene's kid's 4th birthday party. Her side of their family went, but not his. I figured C@role and her kids would be there and that hubby's mom would go, but be an hour late as usual. So I guess �uke & M@rlene aren't talking to anybody on his side. Jerks.

We didn't go because hubby had to work because he missed so many hours due to doctor's appointments and such that he was behind in his work. Even if he wasn't working that day, the girls were still sick. Well, M mostly, but it wouldn't be right to bring just C to the party. And if hubby brought both girls, M@rlene would have a shit fit for him bringing sick kids.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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