Wednesday, Apr. 17, 2002 | 10:05 a.m. Alaska Time

New Wheels

We bought a new car used minivan over the weekend. It's a '99 Dodge Grand Caravan SE. It's a major step up from the banged up '88 Chevy Cavalier I was driving. I was too embarrassed of the "blue wonder" to ask them to take it as a trade-in but they offered $200 for it. Just wanting to get rid of it, I took them up on their offer. They said they'd sell it at auction and whoever bought it would probably use it as a parts car. Whatever. I'm just happy to be rid of it.

Both girls have colds. I think I'll stay home with them today. Maybe. They seem to be feeling okay. They just have coughs and M has a runny nose.

I have mountain of laundry to fold and some dishes to do, but don't I always?

The other morning, before I got up, C had gotten into the fridge and took out the strawberries. (Somebody forgot to lock the fridge.) She got into the silverware drawer and got out a plastic table knife. She then went into her room and was cutting strawberries on the carpet, staining it red. (Sigh) One more chore to add to the list, shampoo the carpet.

The neighbors have been fairly quiet lately, knock on wood. She did have the music kinda loud yesterday, but I knew she was cleaning house and likes to listen to it while she's cleaning so I didn't ask her to turn it down. Anyway, I knew that if I tried, she wouldn't even answer the door.

I did our taxes on the 14th and had my work double-checked on the 15th. The way I calculated, we were getting almost $5000 back. I knew that couldn't be right, because we've never gotten that much back before. The lady who double checked my work found a few errors and when all was said and done, we were still getting a refund, just $2000 less than what I had calculated. That seemed more within the usual range. Still, $3000 is a lot to be overpaying over the course of a year to the IRS in taxes withheld so I think I'll file a new w-4 and see the results next year.

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