Friday, Nov. 16, 2001 | 10:11 a.m. AST Alaska Time

Lots to update

Wow, has it really been four days since my last entry? Holy cow.

M's rash got worse so I took her back up to the hospital yesterday after my sister-in-law mentioned it might be a yeast reaction to the amoxicillin and cream is needed for that. Turns out to be the suspected allergy to amoxicillin.

New neighbors moved in downstairs. A young couple. They have at least one child, maybe more.

C is hooked on "James and the Giant Peach." For the second day in a row, we're borrowing our babysitter's copy of the movie. C wants to watch it all the time.

I've got a ton of chores to do. Dishes have been piling up, as has laundry, and the carpet needs vacuuming.

When I got home last night, I checked on the girls in their room. As soon as I walked in, I could tell M needed her diaper changed. Stinky! I tried changing it without waking her up, but as soon as I started taking her pajamas off, she woke up. And stayed awake. For an hour and a half. At first she was just tired, but then she slowly woke up some more and wanted to play. Finally, I started getting tired, so I tried putting her to bed. A few times. She protested. Finally, after rocking and wrapping her in a blanked, she laid down and went to sleep.

A few nights ago, hubby tried to pick a fight with me. Seeing no point in it, I ignored him and didn't respond. The next night, he tried again, this time saying I had been making him feel like shit for the past couple weeks, wondering why I married him and if I even loved him anymore. Well, that got my goat and so I obliged him, for about half an hour before I had to go back to work. I didn't even talk to him when I got home. 'Course, he was asleep by then, but he did wake up at one point, but I didn't say anything then either. I didn't sleep very well. I kept tossing and turning, wondering what to do next. The next morning, everything was fine.

So I've been thinking about what he said and now that I'm aware of what I've done, I can see how I've done it, when I've done it and how I can improve the situation. I've just got to stop being so critical of him. I've got to ignore his noisy eating, his talking with his mouth full, and not expect him to drive more like me.

My brother-in-law's wife was wondering if/what to get something for our mother-in-law for Christmas. She doesn't really like MIL. So I came up with the idea of a gift from all of us, her kids and grandkids. It's a friendship quilt with the names of her kids, kids-in-law, and grandkids embroidered in the quilt blocks. All 32 of us. Shouldn't be that hard. Eleanor Burns, author of the "Quilt in a Day" series, has a pattern that could be done in a day, if I was zealous enough. I could probably get it done before Christmas if I start now.

Well, I better get started on those chores I mentioned earlier.

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