Monday, July 22, 2002 | 8:23 p.m. Alaska Time

A long weekend

I'm sitting here at work with no work to do. So I'll catch up on my diary.

Saturday, the carpet installers came bright and early at 8:30 a.m., as expected. We moved the last of our stuff outside, the stuff that was on the carpet anyway. The stuff that was in the bathroom and kitchen stayed where it was.

While they were there, we went to my mother's to visit for awhile. Then we went for a drive down the Seward Highway, past the Canyon River Bridge and back. By the time we got back, it was about 4:30 p.m. so we went to the Dimond Center. We dropped the girls off at Power Play and went to the movie theater to see "Minority Report." I liked the movie. When we went home, the carpet layers still weren't done, they said another hour. So we went back around 8pm and they had just finished up. It's so nice to have new carpet and pad! It's berber carpet. Hubby's not too crazy about it, but I don't care, as long as we don't have to deal with dog piss odor anymore!

Sunday, hubby and I sorted through some of our stuff while putting some of it back inside. We've got a pile growing outside for a future rummage sale. We had to get out of the house after awhile so we took the girls and went to Costco. M lost her baby doll there somewhere and they didn't have it when I went back today. Anyway, among other things we bought, we bought the soundtrack to "O brother, where art thou?" Love the song "constant sorrow." We went for another drive down the Seward Highway and played the CD the whole time. We only went as far as Bird Point this time. We stopped at Blockbuster on the way home and rented "The Royal Tenenbaums." It sucked. It sucked bad. I don't know how anyone could like that movie!

Sometime overnight, our minivan was vandalized. The driver-side rear turning signal was smashed out. I noticed it about 11 this morning when I was getting the girls in the car to run errands. I called hubby from the cell phone in the car because the phone company still doesn't have our phone number hooked up to our new place. I asked hubby if he did it by accident. He said he didn't, but did notice the red plastic pieces on the ground but didn't think anything of them. I then called the police department and was put on hold for 15 minutes (on my cell phone... I could hear the money draining away...). Finally, someone comes on the line and takes the info and gives me a case number.

The girls and I then went to Costco to see if they had found the lost doll. We also went to Payless Shoe store to buy C a new pair of tennies since we can't find any of her footwear. We also stopped at Wal-Mart to buy M a new doll since she was so upset that she didn't get new shoes too. That reminds me, I've got to stop at Wal-Mart again tonight after work.

When I got to work, I called our insurance agent to file a claim for the minivan. Now we just have to wait for someone to call us back about it before we can get it fixed.

And that was my weekend. I better get back to work.

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