Thursday, Dec. 4, 2003 | 8:34 a.m. Alaska Time

Kirby hassles

I have one of those wind-up watches that has a little date window instead of the number three. At the end of months that have just 30 days (or February), I have to forward the watch 24 hours so that the date displays correctly. What a pain in the ass that is, sitting there, twirling the little deely-bob until everything's okay. There is a shortcut, but it's a p.i.t.a. too. Which is why I've avoided adjusting the damn thing for four days now. I think I'll do it now though, seeing as how I thought it was December 3rd and that a co-worker's birthday is tomorrow instead of today.

We still have Thanksgiving leftovers in the fridge. Just whatever's left of the turkey and a sweet potato/apple casserole side dish I made. The turkey's gonna become turkey soup tonight.

Saturday is my company's Christmas party. I arranged for my younger half-sister to babysit. (Thanks, Jen!)

A dreaded Kirby salesperson is coming over this afternoon. I supposedly won a free carpet cleaning or furniture cleaning. I chose the furniture cleaning. Can you say "thinly veiled salespitch?" couches really need a good cleaning and I know a Kirby vacuum can do it.

A few weeks ago, a Kirby saleskidman knocked on my door. I almost closed the door on him, but he said they're having a drawing for $1000 and that I'm not obligated for a demonstration when they call to schedule. But, my couches need a good cleaning and I know a Kirby vacuum can do it.

Which means I've got to move the mountain of clean-but-not-folded laundry off the couch into the bedroom in order for the couch to be cleaned.

Why is vacuum spelled that way? Wouldn't "vackyume" or "vackyoom" be easier? Darn double-same-vowelled words. Like the name Isaac. Why the double a? Izak is easier. Or Isaiah. Why does that basketball guy spell his Isiah and pronounce it Isaiah? Guess his parents couldn't spell either. Here's a clue...if you can't spell the name, ask someone how or pick a different name! I know, I know, people have the right to spell their kids' names however they want, but at least make the spelling look somewhat like the pronunciation.

(putting the soapbox away...)

Turns out that M doesn't have strep throat, so we got to throw away the rest of that icky medicine.

We found Santa at the mall on Saturday and wanted to have the girls' picture taken with him, but they were accepting only cash and we didn't have any on us. Maybe this weekend.

I'm at work so I better get back to it. Toodles.

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