Thursday, Oct. 3, 2002 | 11:28 p.m. Alaska Time

Job opportunity, errands, Xmas shopping

I found out today that a co-worker gave notice and they told her "let's make today your last day" or something along those lines. I've already told the powers that be that I want her job.

Cross your fingers for me!

We got our truck back yesterday. It was so nice to be able to get out of the house this morning to run errands again. After gassing up the van, we went to the hospital to get a prescription refill, then to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to get a replacement Certificate of Indian Blood for myself since I misplaced the last one. Since it was lunchtime, the girls and I went to McDonald's. After lunch, we went to Home Depot so I could get parts to fix the crib and rocking horse. I found out later the screws I got to fix the crib are too big so I have to exchange them. Tomorrow. After Home Depot, I dropped the girls off at the sitter's and went to work.

Tomorrow, along with exchange the screws at Home Depot, we're going to go to Payless Shoe Source to get winter boots for the girls and new shoes for me. Then to Wal-Mart for new hats & mitts for them. Sure, I could go to Once Upon A Child, but their stuff is usually a little more than "gently used." It's more like "used up." Besides, Payless Shoe Source and Wal-Mart aren't that much more expensive. It's not like I'm shopping in boutiques, for crying out loud! :o)

My sister and I used to call our mom "Bargain BJ" because she always shopped for bargains and such. Now we're following in her footsteps.

I've started my Christmas shopping for hubby and the girls. For hubby, I'm getting him a Columbia Titanium Ballistic parka. They retail for more than $300. We're getting a deal at work where they're only $150. He's gonna love it. We had planned on getting C ice skates and lessons for her birthday last January but never got around to it, so I got her a pair of ice skates off eBay which will be one of her Christmas gifts. Another gift for her will be p@nties with pictures of Caillou on them. I haven't started shopping for M yet.

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