Saturday, Oct. 5, 2002 | 12:12 p.m. Alaska Time

Oh, what a night!

About three days ago, C puked in her carseat. Trying to take the carseat apart to get the straps out was a bitch. I had to cut through some plastic straps holding some parts together and then unscrew those parts. Then I had to somehow squeeze the clip through a narrow opening to get the straps un-anchored. Pain in the ass.

Then last night, M woke up after I got home and wouldn't stay in bed. I finally gave up and let her fall asleep in our bed. At 2 a.m., I brought her back to her bed. At 3 a.m., C starts crying and screaming that she's sick. I made hubby get up to take care of it. Next thing I hear is hubby loudly telling her to puke on the bed, not the carpet. Of course she puked on the carpet.

So, not only do we have instant coffee stains in the brand new berber carpet, now we have vomit stains in the brand new berber carpet.

So there I was, shampooing the carpet at 3 a.m. It was a ridiculous sight to see.

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