Friday, Oct. 18, 2002 | 7:34 a.m. Alaska Time

The Inconveniences of Having Just One Vehicle

Here it is, 7:34 a.m. and I'm writing an entry. I'm usually still in bed, refusing to get up until 9. But, I've got to return one of work's vehicles this morning.

See, last night, hubby and the girls picked me up from work at 6:30. We went to a Chinese restaurant and they dropped me back off at work afterwards. I was supposed to find a ride home.

I forgot.

I remembered around 11:30, when most of my co-workers have gone home for the evening and everybody left wasn't going in my direction. So, I borrowed a company car and left a note for my supervisor saying I'd bring it back this morning.

Hubby's meeting me there when I drop it off around 8:45-9ish. Then we're going to another one of his appointments. After the appointment, we're dropping him off at work and then on to running errands.

I've got to stop at a few places and make some payments (car, electricity, storage rent, sears), go to joann's fabrics to buy some fabric to make another quillow (this one for a niece's birthday tomorrow), and some other places I can't recall right now (it's early, remember?). :o)

We got the estimate back on how much it's gonna cost us to get the minivan fixed. More than $600! Luckily we have an extended warranty because otherwise it would be around $3000. They have to replace the entire transmission!

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