Sunday, May 18, 2003 | 11:16 p.m. Alaska Time

Where have all the hooligan gone?

Last night, I had about half an entry typed when the power went out. It was out for about half an hour, and I didn't feel like retyping everything over again.

Friday morning, C somehow managed to get the child-resistant cap off the bleach. She splashed it onto the livingroom carpet and a couple items of clothes on the floor. Thank God the carpet didn't bleach out, but the clothes did. One item was a pair of toddler overalls my sister loaned me. (Sorry, Gin! It was the elmo overalls. I'll replace them.) They've got a huge bleach stain on the back of the left shoulder plus a few more spots here and there. The other item was a pink shirt. *sigh*

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Yesterday, which was so clear when I was typing the entry last night before the outage, is a blur right now.

I do remember we shopped around for a new bike for hubby but didn't find one he liked.

Hubby bought a dipnet and we drove out of town to try his luck at hooligan fishing. We watched other fishers catch nothing so hubby didn't even put the net in the water.

This happens a lot: We rent a movie saturday to watch that evening. Hubby lays down around 9 to "take a nap" and promises to get up to watch the movie. He ends up sleeping all night.

It happened last night too.

So I was gonna pop it in the vcr but then we had the outage. So I went to pick up a few things at Wal*Mart and the grocery store.

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This morning, hubby left the house pretty early, around 8:30, while the girls and I were still in bed. I assumed he went to his mother's for coffee and conversation.

I had plans to visit my grandmother at my mother's house this morning. She came in last night from Golovin on her way through to Fairbanks for a grandson's graduation.

So I took the girls and visited. Before I left, I tried calling hubby at his mom's, but there was no answer. I left a note for him to join us in case he came home while we were still at mom's.

We had a good visit with gramma. M was really shy of her at first but eventually warmed up to her.

After leaving, I called home on the cell phone, thinking maybe hubby was home by now. No answer, but checked the answering machine. There was a message from him saying he and his brother had taken their mom out for breakfast and he would be home soon. That was an hour before I called. So I called his mom's and FINALLY got to talk with him. I told him we were on our way home. He said he'd be home soon.

Then I remembered a few things I couldn't pick up last night at the midtown Wal*Mart so the girls and I went to the other wal*mart. I bought a couple skeins of yarn and a Sunday paper. I was also looking for tulip bulbs to give to our neighbor because M picked one of their tulips! Wal*Mart didn't have any tulip bulbs.

I also tried to go pay rent on my storage unit, but they're closed Sundays. Hmmm...strange. They've always been open every day. Must've been recently that they changed their hours.

Anyway, so the girls and I headed to the southside Fred Meyer to look for the ever elusive tulip bulbs. I was also looking for sippy cup replacement lids. Still no luck. Same story with the Fred Meyer near my house.

So we went home. When I got home, there was another message from hubby, saying he and his brother went out for lunch. I started making play dough for the girls. Hubby came home about 20 minutes after we did. It was about 2:30 by then, I think.

Hubby decided he wanted to try hooligan fishing again, so we drove back to the same place as yesterday. The girls and I napped along the way. Fishing conditions were the same as yesterday.

On our way back into town, we noticed a bunch of people stopped on the side of the road, some had cameras, others had video cameras. Of course, we had to pull over to see what the big attaction was. It was a momma moose and her newborn calf. I mean, the thing must've been born just hours before, it was still wobbly. They were walking about 30 feet away from the roadside. We loved it.

At home, I cooked spaghetti while the girls played with their new playdough. Hubby went to bed around 10, I put the girls to bed about half an hour later. I still haven't watched the movie we rented. Don't know if I still want to tonight. I'm tired.

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Plans for tomorrow morning: take the girls to the Imaginarium to learn about spiders and ladybugs. C's fascinated by bugs and M loves ladybugs so this should be fun. Also gotta go pay rent at the storage place.

Alrighty, then. Let's call that an entry and say goodnight.

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