Sunday, May 27, 2001 | 10:05 p.m. AST Alaska Time


We were in Homer, Alaska over the weekend for a friend's wedding. Had a good time. Stayed with my sister, brother-in-law and their daughter in their hotel room.

We dropped of C at my mother's and left Anchorage at 9:15 a.m. for a 4-hour drive, with M, to Homer and arrived there around 2:30 p.m. The wedding was at 3:30.

The wedding was held outside, which was nice, but could've been better had it not been drizzling. The reception was a lot of fun. Afterwards, my hubby and BIL went out to a bar called Dugan's with a lot of other people and didn't come back to the hotel until 3 a.m.

We left Homer this afternoon around 2:30 and arrived back in Anchorage around 6:30. M slept most of the way back. She got cranky only about 1/2-hour away from town. Not too bad. She's such a good baby!

Went to mom's to pick up C, eat and visit. C started acting up after a while and suddenly hubby decided it was time to leave. I was still eating! We got into an argument on the way home about how he doesn't explain something so that I can understand him.

The thing is that he told his sister he'd watch her kids so that she and her husband could go out for dinner and watch a movie. My hubby called her from my mother's and when he got off the phone, I asked what was up with Sam and C@role? Hubby said Sam was out with Kiwi.

Okay, I don't know what that might mean to you, but to me, that says, "Sam and C@role aren't going out because Sam's out with a friend."

So, on the way home, hubby says he's gotta watch the kids, I ask why, he says so C@role can go out.

Okay, so that says to me, "Sam's out with his buddy and C@role's gonna go out (drinking) anyway." (C@role likes to go out drinking and having fun.)

So I ask who C@role's going out with, he says Sam, I said but he's out with a friend...

and it escalated from there to the point where he threatened to hit me if I hit him and our marriage would fall about after that.

All because he couldn't tell me that Sam and C@role are going out to a movie and dinner after he gets home from the store with his friend. Like I'm a FUCKING mind reader!

and now we're not talking.

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