Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003 | 11:11 p.m. Alaska Time

A Morning from Hell

As usual, the neighbor 3-year old girl rang our doorbell to ask if C and M could go outside to play. I told her not today.

I gave the girls a bath, dressed them, and then C asked if they could go out to play. I told her the reason why they couldn't go out earlier was because that little girl was always hurting her. She still wanted to go outside. So I let her, but first warned her that if that little girl hurt her, to not come home crying and screaming.

Well, it happened. About 15 minutes later, I heard C screaming at the top of her lungs. She didn't come crying home though! LOL So, I went outside to see what all the commotion was. C said the little girl, Hedgie, bit her. I asked Hedgie's brother, Bill, if it was true, he said yes.

Bill & Hedgie's grandmother watches them during the day. She's Korean and doesn't speak English.

So I told Bill to tell his grandma that Hedgie bit C.

I don't know what to do.

# # #

Later in the morning/early afternoon, both girls were inside. C was sitting on the piano bench, "playing" the piano. The piano and bench are at one end of the hallway. M was pushing her dump truck down the hallway and wasn't watching where she was going. The piano bench and her nose were at the same level.

Can you guess what happened next?

If you guessed M ran into the bench with her nose, you guessed correctly. Lots of blood, lots of crying.

Eventually, when the bleeding stopped, she was okay and happy again.

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