Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2001 | 8:38 a.m. Alaska Time

Halloween in Alaska


We took the girls to Trick Or Treat Town last Saturday. It's an indoor event put on by a local phone company where kids can trick-or-treat in a safe indoor environment and be entertained and fed too. It's pretty popular up here. C went as Taz, pretty appropriate character for her and M was supposed to go as Tweety Bird but her costume didn't come in the mail in time from and eBay seller so she didn't have a costume. Guess what was waiting for us on our doorstep when we got home? That's right, her costume.

After TOTT, hubby and I raided their candy loot and let the girls have a piece each. The rest I took to work and dumped on a table for my coworkers.

The downstairs neighbors are supposed to be moving out today but I don't think they're ready. The sooner, the better.

It's halloween and we haven't even carved our pumpkin or bought halloween candy yet. How sad is that?

Halloween up here is pretty sad, compared to the lower-48. It's too cold and dark to go trick-or-treating, only the bravest dare go outside. So we don't get many kids knocking on our door. Most people bring their kids to TOTT or to the local malls. At least that way, you can wear a costume that can be seen and not hidden under a heavy coat.

Hubby's favorite time of year is Halloween, but that's because he remembers what it was like when he was growing up in Wisconsin. He says we're going to go to Wisconsin for Halloween next year. We'll see.

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