Monday, Sept. 2, 2002 | 10:52 p.m. Alaska Time

Sick of my hair!

A couple years ago, after M was born, I dyed my hair with a home dye kit because I had quite a few white strands. The store didn't have the color I usually get (which wasn't very often, btw), so I got something different. When all was said and done, my hair was nearly purple! It was like a deep maroon. I felt like a grape.

A few months later, as it was fading and growing out, I dyed my hair (again, a home kit) back to its natural color. Eventually, it faded too.

But, as a result of both dye jobs, my hair was left dry and discolored. I decided I'd let it grow out and trim off the dry stuff as it grew out.

Saturday, I got sick of it. I got sick of being able to do nothing with it, I got sick of the white hair being so obvious, that I decided to finally get it cut shorter. So Sunday, I went to a salon and had them cut off all the dry hair. It looks much better, feels much better.

But you know what I hate? I hate that the stylist can style it really good, but I cannot duplicate it at home. 'Course, it might help if I bought and applied all the styling products she did. Lemmesee, mousse, wax, something else, and hairspray. My hair felt almost sticky, but hey, it looked good! I'm considering going back to her this weekend sometime to ask her to show me how to style it.

Enough about my hair.

I finally had a fitting for my contact lenses. They should arrive in about a week or so. I can't wait.

Three years ago, when my sister was pregnant with her first child, she was admiring a blanket to crochet in a book, but had already started on another one. So, secretly, I started crocheting it for her, fully intending to finish it before the baby was born.

Of course, I never did. I got about half of it done, and put it down. I picked it back up to try to finish it for the baby's 2nd birthday. Ha! Right! I totally forgot about it until we were moving and I saw it in one of the boxes. So I picked it back up and worked on it vigilantly because she's about to give birth to another baby and I decided to finish it for the new baby.


I gave it to her the other day. She was really surprised.

PBS really messed me up this morning. I got so used to telling about what time it was by what program they were airing at the moment. So, it threw me off when I heard Sesame Street starting at 9:30 when it used to start at 10. I thought maybe our clocks were wrong. Turns out, PBS has changed their whole morning programming schedule around because they added two new programs.

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