Thursday, Aug. 29, 2002 | 2:39 p.m. Alaska Time

Why do the crazy ones migrate to Alaska?

That crazy woman I was writing about the other day? She didn't win the election, but somehow managed to get more than 7800 votes, or 33%. Who, in their right mind, would vote for her? I think maybe a lot of people who voted for her thought, "hell, she's not gonna get elected anyway, so I'll vote for her as a joke." (Is that how Ventura got elected governor of Minnesota?) This is her website. Read the part about her incarceration. It's a "poor me" story since she doesn't supply the other side of the story. I think she should stop fighting her husband's battle for him and let him do it himself... or move back to Missouri where he's a licensed attorney.

Why, oh why, does Alaska get all the crazies from the Lower-48?

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