Sunday, Feb. 10, 2002 | 11:25 p.m. Alaska Time

Google hits and my crazy SIL

Even though I change "voyeur" to "visitor" in my hit counter and no longer have a link to download the kidprint font, people are still finding my diary through searches with those phrases. Most recently, someone did a search on "my little voyeur."

We watched our nephew again last night, overnight. His mother (my crazy SIL) had been in the hospital after attempting suicide several times in a few days but was released by a psychologist who found nothing wrong wiht her.

WHAT?! HELLO?! The girl attempts suicide continually and you find NOTHING wrong with her? What the fucking hell?

So the day he releases her, she attempts suidice again.

She called here tonight to tell us she and her boyfriend are moving back to Florida. And she told my husband they want us to take their baby. Thanks, but no thanks. We already adopted one of her kids.

She's gotta stop producing babies she can't take care of. She seems to think that she'll have a kid and just give it up to whichever family member will take it, enabling her to continue her self-destructive life. She just can't get her shit together. Maybe making her keep a baby will force her to do that, but on the other hand, that could be endangering the baby.

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