Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2002 | 3:36 p.m. Alaska Time

Update on crazy SIL and daycare

Well, the crazy SIL attempted suicide again. This time, she tried to drink herself to death. By the time she was found, her blood alcohol level was .60, I'm told. Technically, she should've been dead.

When I went home for lunch break last night is when I found out. As soon as I walked in the door, hubby said he had to go up to the hospital because of her. I called work and said I'd be late back and explained why. They told me to take the rest of the night off. But hubby came home a couple hours later and I went back to work.

I'm not sure how SIL is today, I'll update with that later.

I called the religious home daycare lady today and asked if I could start bringing the girls there, she said okay, and then she asked if my husband and I "prayed about it." Now I'm having second thoughts about her place, but I have nowhere else to bring them. I'm at my wits' end.

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