Thursday, May. 9, 2002 | 11:43 p.m. Alaska Time

I forgot the gate

I went to work today, not feeling 100%, but am feeling better.

I just got done reading my entire diary. It took me three days, but I did it. There were events I had totally forgotten about.

The girls and I spent the morning at my mother's house doing the last of our laundry. The dryer here is still not working.

The neighbors were doing laundry the other day, just the wash. Then they left somewhere. When they came back, they were carrying in loads of laundry they had dried somewhere else, so apparently they didn't have anything to do with the dryer not working after all.

M is cutting three teeth all at once! The two upper canines and a fourth tooth in front-bottom that didn't come out the same time its mate did.

C wakes up at 7:30 nowadays. Hubby just turns the TV on for her before he leaves for work. She woke me up this morning saying something about an egg. We've had problems with her in the past getting into the fridge, taking eggs out and breaking them. So I got up and sure enough, she had gotten one out of the fridge and broke it on the table. She had also gotten the loaf of bread off the top of the toaster and opened it and there were pieces of bread in a pile on the couch. I had no-one to blame but myself for forgetting to lock the fridge and put the gate across the kitchen entrance. Still tired, I went back to bed. Later, when M was starting to cry in her crib, I heard C say to her, "I get you out, M, I get you out of your crib." Now, I know a 3-year old cannot get an almost-2 year old out of her crib without hurting themselves, so I FLEW out of bed to see what the hell was going on in the next room. Luckily, she wasn't trying...yet, but I wasn't gonna wait for the loud crash and screaming that would soon follow.

While I was getting M out of her crib, C said, "Look Mama! I do singer songs!" She had taken the step-stool from the kitchen to the living room and put the sing-along songs tape into the vcr which is ON TOP of the tv! Argh! Again, no one to blame but myself for not putting the VCR block in the VCR!

I'm making sure to put that gate across tonight!

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< I still feel like shit | Think it's against the law to hog-tie your own kid?
(I'm just kidding!) >

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