Friday, May. 10, 2002 | 10:06 a.m. Alaska Time

Think it's against the law to hog-tie your own kid?
(I'm just kidding!)

Argh! I can't win! I got up this morning and C said, "Look Mama!" and was pointing at toys that were outside yesterday. I asked her if Daddy brought them in. She said, "No, I do it."

The little shit (and I mean that in the nicest way) had gone outside all by herself this morning and brought the toys inside! Hubby usually puts the gate across the back door at night. I guess I'll have to start double-checking that too.

Y'know... I did see some child-sized toy handcuffs at the store the other day that I considered buying, oh, for a split-second...

Hmmm... I wonder how much they are?

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