Sunday, Sept. 30, 2001 | 2:45 p.m. Alaska Time

How to create a gas chamber in your own bathroom

We damn near killed C this morning. Well, sorta. Here's what happened:

She's potty training and is doing a good job of it lately. Yesterday, hubby emptied her potty into the toilet and because of the odor, he put some bleach into her potty. And didn't add water. Fool. (When I put bleach in her potty, I add some water.) So anyway, she uses the potty this morning and comes into the living room. A couple minutes later, she decides she has to go again. But by this time, the first time's pee is interacting with the bleach (because pee has ammonia in it) and causing poisonous gas. None of us knew that until she sat down a second time and starts coughing and complaining and choking... Then hubby, who once majored in chemistry, remembers about the bleach/ammonia thing. He dumps the contents of her potty into the toilet (just bleach, pee, and some water I added after the fact) and I open a lot of the windows to air out the bleach stench. Mind you, it's autumn in Alaska, which means it's cold outside and now making it cold inside. I put her potty outside to air out also.

Then we went shopping and were gone for a few hours. When we returned, it was cold inside, but hey, the smell was gone!

By the time we returned, the girls were asleep in their carseats so we put them to bed. Hubby decided he didn't like a shirt he bought so went back to return it. So here I sit, in silence. Total bliss! No kids, no hubby, no tv, no stereo...

When he gets back, the girls might be awake. Then we plan on going for a ride, maybe.

We're going to my mom and step-dad's place tonight for dinner. We gotta bring a salad.

In the meantime, I should try to clean house. Got a mountain of laundry to fold and kitchen to clean.

Y'know, I thought I was a bad housekeeper. But my brother-in-law's wife is really bad. It's not just cluttered, it's downright dirty. Food everywhere. Their kids don't pick up after themselves so there's little bits of snacks everywhere. And they have a bug problem because of it.


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