Friday, Sept. 28, 2001 | 11:35 a.m. AST Alaska Time


My diary is starting to look like my house... cluttered. Perhaps if I take out the lines in the left column, get rid of a few graphics, and make an options drop-down menu, then it will look less cluttered and more organized.

I bet Martha Stewart doesn't have a way to organize web sites! Ha. She has a way to organize everything else though! I wish I could afford to hire her to organize my house, family, and life. Just for a week. I would do the organizing myself, but I don't have the time, energy, or money.

M has a cold, causing a runny nose but also something else that caused her to have runny poops a few days ago. Not exactly diarrhea, but not solid either. Anyway, she pooped five times that day and it caused a really bad diaper rash. Poor baby. It's still really red, but is starting to clear up.

My sister-in-law (SIL) brought her two boys, Wilson & Oliver, over on Tuesday morning for a few hours while she went to school. She's learning how to be a hairdresser. It was tough for them to separate from her and they were really quiet for about 10 minutes or so and then they were fine. C had a great time playing with them. After their mom picked them up, C kept asking where Wilson was. And kept asking the next day! Since she can't pronounce her Ls yet, it comes out, "Where Wewson?"

Hubby splurged and bought a Spiderman shirt for $36! He later realized what a frivolous purchase it was, especially after saying just a few days before that, "We need to cut down on our expenses," and tried to return it. Turns out they don't give refunds, only exchanges, so now he's stuck with a spidey shirt. (sigh)

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