Monday, Jan. 14, 2002 | 3:33 p.m. Alaska Time

A fun weekend, for the most part...

I finally got around to straightening up our side of the garge over the weekend, since obviously hubby wasn't going to do it, and also because it's fairly warm here lately, warm enough so that I'm not freezing my ass off in the garage.

And guess what I found? My Windows 98 software!

So I tried to fix my computer by reinstalling the software. It got as far as "copying files for setup" and quit three seconds into it. Argh! I could probably just install a new hard drive, but I have files saved on this one that I don't want to lose. I can hear all you computer experts out there already, "Dumb Ass should have backed up the hard drive!" I know, I know, I know... So next step is to have a computer geek friend of mine give me more advice. If that doesn't work, we'll call an expert to come over and fix it. If that doesn't work, the new drive will be installed. We want to buy a new computer, but hubby insists not until this one is fixed. Don't ask me why, I don't understand his motivations most of the time anyway.

Well, the lazy landlords (well, the male half anyway) came over yesterday to fix a bunch of stuff that was falling apart at the place. Shall I list them for you?

  1. Loose deadbolt
  2. broken garage door
  3. missing deadbolt on door to garage
  4. loose doorknob on door to garage
  5. slippery linoleum in foyer
  6. slow tub drain
  7. replace showerhead
  8. fix kitchen drawer
  9. fix sliding glass door

All of that and I forgot to tell him about the slow toilet. Cripes.

My mother and step-father are out of town and have asked me to check on their place a couple times while they're away. They have a security system so as soon as I open the door, I have to go to the security panel and punch in my 4-digit code to shut system off and punch it in again no more than 45 seconds before I leave.

My sister-in-law is hopeless. She's C's birthmother. She's an alcoholic with a baby. She was in Washington state with the baby's father and they came up and she told him and everyone she was going to get help with her problems. She didn't, but she was doing so good staying away from alcohol... until a couple weeks ago, when she fell off the wagon. Then her dumb ass sister wanted to go out drinking the other night and dragged the alcoholic sister along. Of course, she got drunk again. Then she was drunk last night too and called me up. I hate talking to drunks, especially this one. Whenever she gets drunk, she starts reliving the past (she and her siblings, including my husband had a terrible childhood) and can't get over it. All of her siblings have moved on, but she can't. She needs help, she knows it, but I think she's too scared to get it. I was thinking of planning an intervention on her, but I'm not sure who would participate. Or, she just needs to be forcibly committed to a treatment center.

Our sitter gave me a bunch of Gymbucks yesterday to spend at Gymboree, worth $100. So I went on a shopping spree last night. I usually buy my girls' clothes off ebay, at children's used clothing stores, or way way on sale. Not yesterday! The price didn't matter yesterday. I got $201 worth of clothes for $101!

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