Friday, Jan. 11, 2002 | 7:38 p.m. Alaska Time

I'm still around....

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, just haven't had much to say.

My computer at home still doesn't work, so that's part of the reason I haven't been updating. Not like I've really tried to fix it or anything anyway. I have computer access at work, so I really have no good excuse for not updating sooner.

Okay, all excuses beside... Here's my entry for today.

Five days ago, 17-month-old M (the baby in the picture above) wanted her diaper off so I took it off. She immediately went into the bathroom and sat down on the potty. She's too afraid to sit over the hole, so she sat on the edge. She stood up and started slipping on the floor. That's when I realized she p��d, albeit on the floor. She sat back down on the potty while I mopped up her "mess" and when she stood back up, there was p�� on the seat! She's potty training herself! The joys of potty training!

C will be three years old at the end of the month and is fully potty trained. She does have the occasional accident though. Last week, she p��d in our babysitter's car on the seat (not a carseat) and didn't say a word. No warning that she had to go, no notice that she had gone. I think it just happened and when she realized it, she was just too ashamed to say anything. Poor kid, she was so upset that night, she was crying, thinking our sitter didn't like her anymore. I just had to keep reassuring her that the sitter still loved her and said it was okay.

Our landlords are finally going to come over to fix some stuff they've been neglecting. I swear, they are the worst landlords in town.

Our downstairs neighbors are a pain in the ass too. The boyfriend of the couple smokes dope and we can smell it. He denies smoking it in the house but we know different. The girlfriend of the couple (who's 18 with a 9-month old baby, but that's a different story) doesn't like hearing our kids running across the floor. I tell C not to run, but she's so full of energy, it's impossible. And the neighbors play their music very loudly... sometimes loud enough to vibrate our floor. I wish they'd move out.

I complained about the last neighbor in a past entry. I'd prefer to have her back over having this couple.

We just need to buy our own house. Maybe this year.


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