Saturday, May. 4, 2002 | 10:19 p.m. Alaska Time

Damn that frozen rice bowl!

Last night Hubby heated up one of those frozen rice bowls from Costco and today he's sicker than a dog. He'd had diarrhea for a couple days already, but today he's also suffered from a stomachache, dizziness, chills, sweats, and vomiting. Must be food poisoning. He's been in bed all day.

So the girls and I ran the errands we usually run together as a family. We did some laundry at my mother's because our dryer is broken here, went to McDonald's, and did a little shopping for clothes for them. I also wanted to go to Costco, but ran out of time. The weekend's not over yet though, we'll go tomorrow.

It's funny how teens say they'll NEVER be like their own parents and then turn out to be just like them. I'm becoming my mother. I buy practical clothes and they have to be on sale. The pants have to be dark so as not to show the dirt as clearly as lighter fabric would. *sigh*

I just checked my stats. Rarely do I get more than 8 visitors on any given day. Sometimes I get none. But yesterday... 102 pageviews by 9 unique hosts! Okay, sure, that's still just 9 visitors, but the pageviews number rarely goes above 10, so 102 is quite astounding for my little 'ol diary. I'm sure diarists like Uncle Bob get hundreds if not thousands of visitors and/or pageviews per day. Maybe I'll go join his list, then maybe I'll get more hits too. Not that I really care or anything, it's not a popularity contest.

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< The tantrum streak continues... | I feel like shit >

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