Friday, May. 3, 2002 | 11:34 p.m. Alaska Time

The tantrum streak continues...

C continued and escalated her tantrum streak yesterday. Yesterday she threw FOUR tantrums. One at the sitter's, one in car on the way home from the sitter's, one while I was home for my lunch/dinner break, and one at bedtime!

She was better today, just one tantrum and it was at the sitter's. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Poor little M has diarrhea. She also has a tooth coming in. She's miserable. I don't know if it's one or both of her conditions causing her to be miserable.

The neighbors from hell and us share laundry facilities. Yesterday the dryer quit working after I had put in a load, turned it on, and threw another load into the washer. Half an hour or so later I went to cyle the laundry but when I opened the dryer, the clothes were still wet. I checked everything around the dryer, made sure it was plugged in, tried different settings... all to no avail. So I went to the utility box in our unit to see if a switch was tripped. No switch for the dryer was in there. So I got suspicious. I knocked on their door to ask if the switch to the dryer was in their utility box. She checked and came back and said she didn't see one. Hmm... More suspicious. So, one of these things happened:

  1. The dryer really did crap out on its own

  2. The switch for the dryer is in their utility box and she doesn't realize it

  3. She knows the switch is there and turned it off just to be a bitch and is lying to me

So after work last night, I went to my mother's to wash and dry the two loads I had already washed here.

Today was her day to do laundry. I waited to see if she would. If she did, and used the dryer, I would be even more suspicious. But, she didn't do laundry so either she had no laundry to do or can't because the dryer is broken.

I left a message on the lazy landlords' voice mail about the dryer. Who knows if they got it. We'll try to call them again tomorow.

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< Next she'll grow horns and a tail... | Damn that frozen rice bowl! >

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