Thursday, August 16, 2001 | 10:29 a.m. AST Alaska Time

Cause of M's fever

Well, after yesterday and last night, I figured out what's causing M's fever. She woke up twice last night, first around midnight and again around 5:30 a.m. The second time, I decided to take her to the ER after her temp registered 102 and she was so miserable. It turns out to be a reaction to the immunization shots she got last week. Whew.
On the way home, I tried coming home the usual route but they're doing road construction. I had the right of way, there was no stop sign, and the flagger was waving me forward so I kept going. Suddenly, there was a pickup coming right at me on my left and he or she honked at me! The flagger was motioning for the pickup to stop and couldn't go the way he or she wanted to go but it went anyway. What an idiot.
I read my diary on a computer at work and realized the font I use at home isn't on the computer at work and probably not on yours either. It's a font called Kidprint. If you'd like to see my diary the way I meant for it to appear, do a search on kidprint.ttf and download it to your font file.
If you were reading this entry earlier and saw that I suddenly had to leave, it's because some contractors came over to fix our stairs. We live in a second story condo so I either had to leave or be stuck in my place all day. Seeing as how I had to go to work, I left. They're fixing the stairs because they're sort of angled towards the ground, making the steps unlevel. Not too safe, especially in the winter and even more so when we're carrying small children up and down those stairs!

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