Sunday, Nov. 23, 2003 | 11:22 a.m. Alaska Time

M's Toothy Smile

I forgot to add in my last entry that M had her first dental appointment late last week. She did really really good.

I was concerned about what looked like an adult tooth already emerging between two of her baby teeth, so I asked the dentist about it. I told him I figured it was caused by growth hormones in food.

Turns out, it's a supernumerary tooth. In other words, it's an extra tooth. Quite common in the Native American population, apparently.

They decided not to do anything about it now and just keep an eye on it. They'll check on it again in six months.

They said otherwise her teeth are in excellent shape and complimented me on doing a good job with her.

I did some Internet research about such teeth and found, among other problems, that they can cause delayed eruption of other teeth. That might explain why a tooth in the same area didn't come out about the same time as the same tooth on the other side did.

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