Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 | 8:34 a.m. Alaska Time

Updates on stuff...

I started an entry last night, but got pulled away from the computer and couldn't finish it. It wasn't that long anyway. Of course, I can't remember what I wrote so I could start over this morning.

So I'll just move on...

My girls are just 3 and 4 and are already fighting over boys! There's a boy about C's age in her Spanish class. His name is Kyle. C and Kyle have become good friends. On Thursday, they were running towards the parking lot after class. Poor M was trying to keep up with them, but they ran faster than she did.

So in the car on the way home, the girls were talking about Kyle. C said, "Kyle loves me." And M replied, "No, he wuh me!" It was so cute, I just couldn't help smiling.

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At work, I was training a guy for the morning editor position who already works for the company in a different capacity. I started training him two weeks ago. After a week, he had decided he didn't want the job afterall, saying it was too stressful. So imagine my surprise when he showed up the next Monday morning to do editing. He hadn't heard from the higher-ups about what he should do so he came in. He spoke with the higher ups and decided to give it another try. By the end of the 2nd week, he decided he could do the job and is starting next Monday.

So that leaves me to do the tape librarian job full-time now. Since I can basically pick my own hours, I'm going to start with splitting shift, working 4am-7am and then 2pm-7pm.

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I've been listing Power Rangers fabric at eBay that's been selling like hotcakes! I bought one auction of three bolts of this fabric last year for like $20 and never used it, so now I'm selling it by the yard and making a nice little profit.

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We're trying to night-time potty train M. We've only had partial success with pull-ups, but they're usually wet by morning. We ran out of pull-ups yesterday and decided not to buy more. She woke up at 3am, wet, of course. Hopefully she'll get the idea and wake up when she has to pee.

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It snowed yesterday and last night. I woke up to see an additional 3-4 inches on everything. Here's a picture of our truck this morning:

Our street:

and our back yard:

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I've been adding recipes to my In The Kitchen site. Now I have to organize the archives into various categories. I may add some more recipes today. You're always welcome to submit one too. You'll get proper credit, of course.

Well that's about it for today. I've got a house to clean and other stuff to do today.

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