Thursday, May. 2, 2002 | 12:33 a.m. Alaska Time

Next she'll grow horns and a tail...

C is too smart for her own good. I put a tall gate across the kitchen entrance, she climbs over it. I put a gate across the bathroom entrance, she climbs over it. I think the toothbrushes and toothpaste are out of her reach, she climbs onto the bathroom counter to open the medicine cabinet to get to them. Hubby thinks the honey and spaghetti are out of her reach in the kitchen cupboard, she finds a stepstool to get into the cupboard, throws spaghetti all over the kitchen floor and then squeezes honey all over the spaghetti. I think the matches are out of her reach, she climbs onto the bathroom counter and lights one!

The little shit.

And I mean that in the nicest way.

Whomever coined the term "terrible twos" should be taken out back and shot. C didn't really do the terribles in her twos, they've hit her in her threes. She has thrown three tantrums in the last two days. I can't remember her throwing one tantrum in her twos! Yes, I know the experts say the terrible twos is a misnomer and can last well into the 5th year, but I thought maybe we'd escaped them.

Guess I thought wrong.

Our sitter doesn't discipline or punish children for bad behavior. She tells them quietly "we don't do that" instead. And then she has to lecture the parents about child-rearing. Give me a break. It's almost as if she's telling us "do it my way, not yours." What's wrong with sending a child to his or her room when he or she is misbehaving? It's what my parents did with their kids and it's what we do with ours. Throw in the occasional well-deserved (and rare) spanking, and I think the child is fine. A child needs to know there are consequences for bad behavior. (If you are against spanking, please don't sign my guestbook telling me spanking amounts to beating... there's a big difference.)

Anyway, we're trying some of her techniques to see if they make any difference.

We'll see.

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