Monday, Sept. 23, 2002 | 11:35 p.m. Alaska Time

Damn, Damn, Double-Damn!

I found out today that the husband/wife duo at work that I saw in video of people being trained to work airport security won't be quitting my workplace after all. They're going to be working at the airport just three hours a day, from midnight to 3 a.m. They'll still work their regular hours at work.

I checked out the hospital's website again. They're hiring for a PR position. I applied for it. With my ten years of media experience, I should have a good chance.

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A couple weeks before we moved here, C started sneaking into our room at night and falling asleep on the floor. I would get up and put her back in her own bed. After we moved, I got tired of it and really got after her one night to stop doing it. The message got through. She stopped sneaking into our room...until last night. I heard our door open around 3a.m. I groggily opened my eyes to see her coming in with a pillow and blanket. I told her to go back to her room and she did. Tonight, when I got home, I went to the girls' room to check on them. C wasn't in her bed. I looked in our room and there she was, asleep on our floor. I picked her up by the armpits (trying to get the message across to her that I don't like what she's doing), and put her back in her bed, warning her not to do it again. We gotta ask the landlady to get a doorknob that locks for our bedroom.

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