Sunday, Feb. 3, 2002 | 9:41 p.m. Alaska Time

The craziness continues...

I must be the oldest diarist in Anchorage that has an online diary at Diaryland. I just looked through all the other profiles of Anchorage Diarylanders and they have favorite music listed that I've never heard of. Music like Bjork, Beck, and others. Gawd, I feel old.

Crazy family update... Yesterday, hubby went to work to pick up his paycheck and was supposed to deposit it at the credit union. Along the way, he stopped at his mother's to see how she's doing. His drunk sister was going nuts. (She's the crazy one who's C's bmom.) Hubby said she should call someone, so she called 911. They came over with an ambulance, but she wouldn't go with them, so they left. Hubby called sister's boyfriend (who had left the day before with their baby because he got tired of her shit) because he couldn't get a hold of his own brother to come over and help get her out of the house and into somewhere that could help her, namely Alaska Psyciatric Institute. So, her boyfriend drops their baby off here to go help. API couldn't help because they're full. Hubby's mother goes to the magistrate to try to convince the authorities this girl needs some help and since she won't get it on her own, she needs to be taken against her will. But since she didn't threaten anyone, they won't take her. Hubby's sister eventually calls 911 again. This time they won't take no for an answer and take her to the ER, where she's admitted for an 8-hour hold to sober up. Hubby comes home, saying we're watching the baby for a bit longer. We ended up keeping him overnight. Needless to say, hubby never made it to the credit union. SIL's antics also messed up my own plans for the day to go to the post office and pharmacy.

We returned the baby this morning. Today, SIL attempts suicide for what seems like the umpteenth time in her life. She swallowed a bunch of pills and poured Stetson cologne in a pepsi and drank it. She's such an idiot. She's in the hospital overnight this time. MIL says that if all her records can be gathered together showing how many times she's attempted suicide, then maybe that will convince the authorities to put her in API after leaving the hospital.

This afternoon the neighbors were smoking weed again and it was the worst I've ever smelled it in our place. I'm telling them tomorrow that if I smell it again, I'm calling the police. I'm sick of this shit.

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