Sunday, Dec. 21, 2003 | 6:41 a.m. Alaska Time

Crappy Christmas Season So Far

I've been awake for three hours...can't sleep.

We finally went to look for a Christmas tree yesterday. No luck. Everybody in town in sold out of live trees. Looks like we may have to buy an artificial one. We're first going to ask around if anyone has one we can borrow. If we have to buy one, it's going to be a small one because they're so expensive!

Hubby and I went to his company's Christmas party last night. The food was good, the door prizes were excellent. Hubby won a $500 travel certificate! We were talking about where to go. Disneyland, perhaps, or maybe Hawaii. We'll see. We've got one year to use it.

We're going to a birthday party today for my cousin's daughter. Still have to buy her a gift.

I've gotta pay the water bill today or it's going to be shut off. I've become the world's worst bill-payer. Shh..hubby doesn't know...gotta sneak away, give some excuse, and pay it. Gonna get that account setup to be paid automatically through our checking account too.

Damn. Too much money going out and not enough coming in. It got so bad this past week, I borrowed from C's savings account until payday on Wednesday.

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