Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2002 | 10:52 p.m. Alaska Time

Coxsackie Sucks

Now M has coxsackie. She developed a fever a couple days ago and I noticed a sore on her tongue today. Poor baby. She doesn't like the taste of bubble-gum flavored Tylenol so I guess I have to pick up some other flavor. She seems to like the cherry flavor.

Bad news about our van. The transmission case has a hole in it and they may have to replace the entire transmission. Good thing we just got our dividends!

Hubby had a colonoscopy and barium enema done this morning because he gets dizzy spells. The doc thought there might be something in his intestines, but everything checked out okay. In preparation for the exams, he had to go on a liquid diet for two days and do some other messy stuff I'm not going to mention here. Anybody who's had the procedures done knows what I'm talking about. He had to get up several times last night to use the toilet. Every time he got up, it woke me up. So I didn't get much sleep last night. Then I thought I'd have to drive him home this morning so we went with him to the doctor's office. Turns out they didn't give him an anesthetic like I assumed, so the girls and I could've stayed home. We were there for two hours. Oh well, live and learn.

After the procedures, we went to Village Inn for breakfast. Hubby said everything he ate was really good. I said they could probably serve him a plate of shit and he'd think it was good, because he was so hungry and tired of liquids.

After breakfast, we went home and everybody took much-needed naps.

Hubby asked me tonight what I think about moving to Alabama. He was looking online for jobs in the Logistics field and it appears the south is a good area for the field. I don't think I could live in Alabama because:

  1. I don't know anyone there
  2. It's so far away
  3. It's hot and muggy in the summer
  4. I hate bugs
  5. I hate snakes
  6. I hate poisonous plants
  7. It's in the middle of HICKVILLE! (no offense meant to those who live there, btw.)

On the other hand, the winters there are mild...

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