Friday, Mar. 15, 2002 | 11:54 p.m. Alaska Time

the "interesting-ness" continues...

When I woke up this morning, I noticed M was awfully quiet. I knew she had to be awake because C was awake. If C's awake, she'll wake up M, every time. So when I finally got up, I peeked into their room to see why M was so quiet. She had FOUR oranges in her crib with her and one on the floor! C got into the fridge before I woke up and got the oranges for M. She had devoured half of one and the others had holes in them. So silly.

I found out two nights ago that one of my husband's sisters is addicted to cocaine. His family is so fucking nuts, he wants nothing to do with them anymore.

Turns out that foreign object in a bag of Reese's pieces at a local high scool that I wrote about a couple days ago was a vitamin a girl put in the boy's candy when he wasn't looking. She's being punished by the school district but not being expelled. You can read more about it here.

This morning, the girls and I went to a branch of the local library for family story time. They have it every Friday at 11:15 a.m. until the end of April. After that, I took them to KidZone (used to be Discover Zone) at a local mall. They loved it! It's so expensive though! $5.99 per kid! I can't wait until summer when we can take them to the park/playground for free! At the same mall, I was going to pick up more portraits of the girls I had ordered, but the clock at KidZone showed the time in an odd way, making me think it was only 12:30 when in fact it was 1:30. I'm supposed to be at work at 1:45! Ack! Needless to say, we didn't pick up the portraits nor go to the credit union like I had also planned. Instead, we rushed out of there to the sitters and I got to work about 20 minutes late or so. No big deal though, my work is usually pretty lenient about those kinds of things. I'll just have to go the credit union and mall tomorrow.

Hubby had to work long today so that meant I had to pick up the girls from the sitter during my lunch hour. It's a 45-minute round trip from work to the sitter's to home. On the way home, I ordered a pizza. M was asleep before we got home and stayed asleep after coming inside so I took off her boots and coat and put her to bed. I was supposed to be back at work at 7:15, but hubby didn't get home until 7:25. I didn't leave home until 7:35. The pizza still hadn't arrived, so I got some KFC before going back to work. M was still sleeping when I had to go back to work.

When I got home from work tonight, both C and hubby were asleep on the floor. Kinda cute. I'm debating whether to leave them there when I go to bed. I really hate waking up sleepers.

It seems the neighbors are moving out, slowly but surely. Hubby says they've been cleaning and we've seen them packing stuff in their car. I'll be so happy when they're finally gone. Hopefully the new tenants will be a lot more mature.

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