Thursday, Aug. 15, 2002 | 8:53 p.m. Alaska Time

Another busy day

The girls and I picked up my sister and her little girl this morning to do the few other things we didn't get to yesterday.

First we went to Joann's fabrics. My sister wanted to get some ribbon an I wanted to look at their tapestry fabrics.

Then we stopped at a carwash to use the vacuum. My minivan really needed it. Also sprayed Febreze on the carpet to get the smell out. The previous owners apparently had a dog or dogs and when it rains, we can smell wet dog odor.

Then we went to KMart so I could get some refills for my DayRunner and my sister could get some groceries.

Then we went to Hewitt's Drugstore to get the stuff they didn't have last week that stops nail-biting. It's called Thum. I'll let you know how well it works.

And then I took my sister and her child back to our mom's, took the girls to the sitter's, and went to work.

After work, I'm going to a different Kmart because the first one didn't have the refills I was looking for. I also need some gel inserts for my shoes and I want to try that new product called Veet.

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< I can brake safely now, the problem's gone... | Hey, V.C., I've got a plot for ya... >

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