Sunday, Nov. 2, 2003 | 5:58 p.m. Alaska Time

Bombshells dropping left and right

Wow. Is it really November already?

I really should try to update my diary daily as I tend to forget if anything happens.

The last week or so in a nutshell: Hubby started work at 7am all week so there wasn't the usual morning rush for me during my break at work where I'd drive home, get the girls out the door to the sitter's and be back to work all within an hour during the morning rush hour. Instead, hubby had them at the sitter's by 6:45am so he could be at work by 7. He had to work early because it was inventory week.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, C has a Spanish class from 2-2:30. She's doing pretty good. There are about 6-7 other kids in the class. So far, they've learned hola, adios, numbers up to 5, four colors, bien/mal/asi asi, and a few other words.

Wednesdays, M has her speech pre-school. She's comfortable enough now to let me leave her there. They must've worked on the final /p/ sound last Wednesday because she's able to say it now. Before, it was "uh" for up, "pah" for pop, etc. Understanding her is becoming easier all the time.

We rented The Inlaws the other night. It stars Michael Douglas as a deep undercover CIA agent whose son is going to marry the daughter of a podiatrist, played by Albert Brooks. Don't rent it, it's really really dumb.

We took the girls to see Brother Bear today. Pretty good movie. The old woman is speaking Inupiaq in the beginning of the movie. I understood a couple words she said, but not the whole thing, as I'm not fluent.

During the movie, C asked me, "mama, what does 'hot' mean?" I told her it means sexy, pretty, good-looking, handsome, cute... She then said, "I'm Hot!" Later at home, she was running around saying, "I'm HOT, baby!"

We got a good laugh out of that one.


We took the girls to Trick Or Treat Town a week before Halloween. It's getting boring, so we might not take them next year. C dressed up as Snow White and M as Tinkerbell.

Halloween night, we took the girls to a local mall where merchants were handing out candy. We then went home and the girls handed out candy to trick-or-treaters. We actually got a good turnout this year. Probably because of the neighborhood we moved into.

Ready for a Crazy Inlaws Update?

My MIL has disowned Morg@na because of Morg@na's latest event. For some reason, Morg@na wanted to hurt her mother (not physically), so she called up her mother's boyfriend, met him someplace, went home with him and had sex with him. She then told her sister, C@role, and told C@role to make sure she told their mother. So, MIL has disowned Morg@ana and broke up with her boyfriend. He was a dork anyway.

As for C@role, she's still doing cocaine. She's supposedly supposed to have surgery tomorrow to remove the alleged tumor in her head, but she supposedly postponed it, again. Whatever. I don't think she has an honest bone in her body.

Okay, other side-of-the-family-inlaws...My brother and his wife are divorcing because she's been having an affair since about last May. Here's the twist though--the guy she's been seeing is her sister's boyfriend AND one of my brother's best friends. How messed up is that? Guess she got tired of my brother. My brother gets the house, she gets her hairdressing business that HE put together for her (building, painting, plumbing). I hope he gets the kids.

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