Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 | 5:51 a.m. Alaska Time

Over the weekend

Sorry about the crappy entry yesterday, and that it didn't show up right. I fixed it. I wanted to write more, but hubby was in a hurry to get out the door to run errands.

Saturday, he went to work, so the girls and I stayed at home most of the day. I had plans to bring them to the library, but that never happened. We did go grocery shopping for some dinner ingredients. I made thai curry chicken again. It's SO good! That night, after putting the girls to bed, hubby and I watched Identity. Pretty spooky!

Yesterday, we stopped by his mother's to visit and give her some potatoes and carrots we bought at a farm in Palmer. Then we moved everything out of my storage unit that I rent into a storage shed we bought over the summer. Amazingly, everything fit! I looked in a few boxes. It was like going back in time a few years in my life. A lot of garage sale and ebay-worthy items in all of it.

Then hubby cooked dinner (deep-fried halibut chunks) and I made dessert (apple crisp). Also made a crisp for his work, since the apples came from one of his co-worker's apple trees and he told them I'd make something for them with the apples.

Doncha just love it when your spouse volunteers you for something without asking you first?

Ready for a crazy family update? I've been witholding this, but I just gotta get it out. Hubby's brother is in rehab for cocaine addiction and his sister is still on it. Morg@ana's baby is in foster care and who knows where she is...

That's about it.

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