Thursday, Sept. 20, 2001 | 2:17 p.m. AST Alaska Time

A "Shitty" Morning

I got up this morning and took a shower. After brushing my teeth and dressing, I went into the girls' room to get them up (they were already awake). C was telling me, "baby pooped! Baby pooped!" "Yes," I said, "I can smell it!" Then I looked at the baby. She was diaperless and what looked like snot all over her face (she has a runny nose lately) turned out to be... you guessed it... poop. Everywhere. In her hair, on her face (I'm sure she ate some), on her hands, on her blankets, on her sheet, on her crib. There was no poop in her diaper. There was a poop-colored stain IN her diaper, but no poop left.

Neeedless to say, she was put in the tub and washed up. C got in the tub too and they played in there while I cleaned the crib and washed the bedding.

I hope it never happens again! Yuck!

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