Friday, August 10, 2001 | 8:54 a.m. AST Alaska Time

Model Wannabe

Not only is today Payday, but today is also the day I leave for Seattle in hopes of getting a modeling contract over the weekend.
I feel kinda silly and somewhat narcissistic (sp?) thinking I could be a model. I remember wanting to be a model in the Sears and JCPenney's catalogs when I was little. As far back as I could remember, I liked having an audience, liked being the center of attention, liked getting attention. That's part of the reason I was a radio DJ for a while. So anyway, I'm going to Seattle to join a couple hundred wannabes at a convention where there will be agents. My hubby is always telling me how pretty I am. Part of me hopes to get a contract, part of me doesn't. The part that does hopes to make enough money to pay off my debts. The part that doesn't just wants to stay home with the family. But, I've invested about $600 in this endeavour, I better at least get something!
So here it is, about 9 a.m. and I'm trying to pack for the trip. An almost impossibility with the girls running around, needing my attention, and getting into my bags. My mom is picking me up at noon and I'm not even half ready!
So I better get my ass in gear and finish. I'll try to write an entry while I'm gone, but don't count on it! Toodles!

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< How do they do it? | A horrible, horrible weekend >

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