Friday, Aug. 1, 2003 | 10:46 p.m. Alaska Time

Past, Present, Future...

I've been meaning to update since last Monday. Time just seems to slip away sometimes.

M had an evaluation appointment Tuesday morning to see if she'd be eligible for special ed preschool to help her talk/communicate better. Two women tested her speech skills, among other skills such as gross and fine motor skills. I filled out and signed some forms. Thursday was the follow-up appointment where they told me she is eligible and that school starts in September. She'll be riding a bus to a local school where she'll attend class for 2� hours.

In my last entry, I wrote that I was going to drive around town to check out parks that have grills and playgrounds for M's birthday party. One had a nice grill but poor playground. Another had an awesome playground and poor grill. Two parks had broken grills. The rest were just so-so. So, instead, we're borrowing my MIL's grill and taking it to a nearby park that has a playground.

Speaking of M's birthday party, we rescheduled it for Sunday because hubby has an MRI follow-up appointment tomorrow at 2--the original party day/time.

I did cancel that eBay order from that guy who wouldn't be able to get the party favors I ordered from him here before the 11th. I still have to check my Paypal account to see if he actually refunded me.

Tomorrow I have to bake a cake and make it look like a ladybug. Also have to make potato salad.


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