Monday, Sept. 9, 2002 | 9:54 p.m. Alaska Time

Anniversaries and babies

Friday was our 5th wedding anniversary and I asked for and received the day off. Hubby and I planned on seeing a movie and going out for dinner. We made arrangements for my sister, mother, and stepfather to watch the girls. My sister said she'd be having her cerclage taken out that afternoon but that it shouldn't be a problem.

Well, as bad luck would have it, after the doc took out the cerclage, she started bleeding heavily so she had to stay in the hospital. The docs even mentioned inducing her the next day.

Mom and stepdad were there with her so that meant no-one to watch the girls. No big deal, sis's health is more important than my anniversary.

That was on the 6th. On the 7th, after speaking with her husband and the doctor, Sis decided against inducing that day because she hadn't had much sleep. Later that day, she developed a high fever and the baby's heart rate went up so the docs decided they'd induce. They wheeled her into a labor/delivery room and broke her water but then had to take care of a C-section in the OR. I went to the hospital to watch her older daughter and to possibly take her home with me if needed. When I arrived, Sis's contractions were about 3 minutes apart. Mom and stepdad were already there. Mom knew a patient in another part of the hospital and wanted to visit him so she, stepdad, and sis's daughter went to see him.

That's when things really started happening. Sis dialated from 6-7 to 9 in a matter of minutes. Needless to say, she didn't need the pitocin (sp?) they were going to give her to induce. Mom, stepdad, and my niece returned just in time. I took said niece into the waiting area while the baby was delivered.

It's a girl, 5 lbs. 14 oz., 20 1/4 inches long. Born at 7:20 p.m. on Sept. 7th. She's two weeks early, hence the small size, but healthy.

So hubby and I will probably celebrate our anniversary next weekend with that 26 glacier cruise we haven't gone on yet.

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