Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 | 11:08 a.m. Alaska Time

My Father

My dad and his 2nd wife's anniversary is tomorrow and they are getting a divorce. Whoohoo! Seriously, though, it's a long and convoluted story. Are ya ready?

My parents divorced in 1980. Dad had a relationship after for a few years which produced a daughter. Because my dad wouldn't marry the woman, she broke up with him soon after the baby was born.

It wasn't much longer when my dad started to shack up with a new woman, who had just had a baby girl and a divorce herself. The woman is my mom's 1st cousin and her name is Peggy too.

Eventually, Peggy wanted another child. Dad told her that they were going to raise it his way, not spoiled like she was raising her daughter (She wouldn't let him have a hand in raising her). She reluctantly agreed. They had a son.

A few years later, they got married. On the weekends, they would usually go to a bar, play darts, get drunk, go home. Many times, Peggy would get mad for whatever reason and not speak to Dad for days. She told her daughter that whenever they get into a fight, to stay out of it.

Well, last month, she didn't. As usual, Peggy wasn't speaking to Dad for about a week, but they went to the bar anyway. Dad went home early, not exactly sober. Peggy went home eventually and started in on him. Then her daughter, who is 19 now and maybe drunk herself, gets into the middle of it. (Their son, who is 15, was out of town for a basketball match.) Peggy's daughter throws a punch at Dad and misses. Just reacting without thinking, Dad throws a punch back, and also misses. Peggy calls the cops, Dad goes outside to smoke a cigarette. The cop came and went inside to hear Peggy and her daughter's story. Then they picked up Dad. They drove around town for a while, talking about what happened. They went back to the house and told him that unfortunately they have to arrest somebody and unfortunately it has to be him. He spent one night in jail. Part of his release agreement was that he couldn't be in the same house as Peggy's daughter.

My sister and her husband hadn't sold their house yet before they moved to Wyoming, so Dad called them up to ask if he could stay there, they said yes. So he's renting their house.

He called me last night and told me he and Peggy talked about their situation. He wants a dissolution while she wants a divorce. I don't know what the difference is, but the way he put it, it sounds like a divorce is worse because he said he thinks she wants to take him to the cleaners.

I feel that while it's sad she's going to do that and Dad will have to pay child support again, I'm happier that they're separating. Their relationship has never been a good one.

What's weird now, though, is that Dad is getting involved with his brother's wife, who have been separated for a couple years. She's a whole hell of a lot better than Peggy, but still... I get the willies just thinking about it.

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In other news, because M hasn't gained any weight in six months, her doctor wants her to see a nutritionist. Part of that is that we're supposed to keep a 3-day food diary of what M eats and drinks. We finally got around to doing it over the weekend. Now I just have to call to make an appointment with the nutritionist.

# # #

Well, I better get my butt off the computer. I need to get us ready to go.

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