Friday, Sept. 13, 2002 | 11:13 p.m. Alaska Time

Crazy Family Update

It's Friday The 13th, I thought it appropriate for a "Crazy Family Update."

M*rgana's back in town. She had been in Fairbanks in a detox center there. I have no idea if she completed the program or walked away from it.

�uke & M@rlene got evicted from their place due to non-payment of rent, or late payment or something like that. They didn't pay rent in December, the landlady thinks it's January they didn't pay for. In any case, she took them to court and had them evicted.

Hell, I'd evict them too.

The place they were living in was in bad shape before they moved in. The landlady replaced the carpet and the walls were repainted. She eventually got doors put in for the bedrooms and bathrooms, but the kitchen was falling apart.

Well, D&M let it get worse. They let their kids draw on the walls and didn't bother to clean them, the carpet had been light brown, now it's nearly black, and their stupid dog dug holes all over the backyard.

C@role is looking for a house to "lease to buy." She has to sell her home before the bank forecloses on it. Her ex-husband hasn't been making the house payments like he's supposed to (or so she says).

There hasn't been any craziness going on with this family between families in awhile, so we're about due, doncha think?

I'm just going to stay away from all of them and hope they don't come after me.

I wish there was some sort of witness protection program but just to hide from certain people (read: hubby's family) and not others (read: my family).


Hubby and I are going on that 26-glacier cruise I wrote about earlier. We're dropping the girls off at the sitter's tomorrow morning at 11 then heading down to Whittier to catch the boat. Hopefully the weather won't be too cold.

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