Sunday, May 4, 2003 | 2:06 a.m. Alaska Time

I can't think of a short description right now

I'm writing this extremely late Saturday night/extremely early Sunday morning, so when I say "today" I'm talking about Saturday. Got it?

We went to Costco this morning to get our tires changed over but they were booked solid so we did some shopping and went home. My dad's in town and came to visit for a bit. After he left, we took a drive out to Palmer and Wasilla because we're thinking of moving out to the valley. While were on the road I called my friend Mary who lives in Wasilla because we wanted to see her place out there. She invited us to a small get-together at their piece of property they had just cleared. We went for a little while, then came home.

As usual, we rented a movie. This time it was Treasure Planet. Pretty good.

Hubby went to bed around 10 and I put the girls down about �-hour later.

I got online, but my computer was being wacky, so I reset it. While it was doing its thing, I decided I wanted to see a movie, so I drove over to Blockbuster and rented The Banger Sisters. Another good one, but a bit shallow.

I tried folding some laundry tonight, but M kept grabbing stuff I'd already folded. It's impossible to do anything with little kids around.

Plans for Sunday: Get tires changed, bring girls to my mom's so hubby and I can watch X2, visit with my dad again before he leaves town around 4:30, drive out to Palmer again to see a business that was closed today.

I'm not sure how we're going to squeeze all that in. We could skip the movie, therby saving $20 and three hours, but my mom and step-father are hardly ever in town on the weekends and we don't like to have hubby's sisters or brother watching our girls, and we haven't seen a movie in a theater in ages.

Had a good visit with my dad today. He's back together with his wife, Peggy, and they're seeing a marriage counselor. She's cut back on her going out to the bars from nearly every other night to just a couple times a week. Dad says the counselor is really helping her. He's not totally back at home yet, only about half-time.

I found out from my own mother that Peggy's daughter, Lindsay, moved to Anchorage a couple weeks ago. If you've been reading my diary lately, you may recall that Lindsay was the straw that broke the camel's back in my Dad's marriage and why he had to move out.

Not much else is new. It's now 2:33 a.m. and I've got some laundry to fold before going to bed.


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