Wednesday, May. 19, 2004 | 6:58 p.m. Alaska Time

The past three weeks

Been awhile, eh? Sorry 'bout that. Highlights of the past three weeks:

The girls are growing out of their toddler beds so with our tax refund, we bought two new twin size mattresses and bedframes. The idea is to get some plywood cut to fit the bedframes and place the mattresses on top. Either that or get a used bunkbed frame. The bunkbed would save space and we need space. Unfortunately, hubby hasn't made up his mind yet about a bunkbed so the mattresses sit in our livingroom, practically becoming part of the furniture now.

I went off the pill May 1st, planning to become pregnant sometime this summer. Send boy vibes our way, okay?

The snow has all melted, thank God. Hubby planted vegetable and flower seeds in the backyard garden beds while I transplanted pansies, geraniums, and other flowers out front. The owners had planted rhubarb and other unidentifiable things before they left which are growing back this year.

Work is going better. I seem to be out of the long funk I was in.

We're planning on having a garage sale this summer but haven't yet started sorting through our junque to decide what to sell and keep.

Our hot water quit a few days ago and we had to have a repairman come see what was wrong. Turns out, the valve for the natural gas had been bumped out of place, shutting off the gas. Last night, no hot water again. Since I take showers at night, I couldn't take one at home so I went to the YMCA to take one. Hubby went there this morning for his. The repairman was back again today to see what was wrong. The pilot light had gone out somehow. It's working now.

A few weeks ago, I accidentally passed a school bus while it was stopping and putting out its stop sign arm. We got a certified letter in the mail today about it saying the registered owner has to show up in court, along with a $190 ticket. Shit. Anyone know how to beat such a traffic ticket?

So, I have this other diary, In The Kitchen, that I've been neglecting forever to update. So, as soon as I'm done updating this one, I'm going over there to update it.

School ends next Wednesday for M's preschool. Sounds like they want her back next year too, which is good. Her speech is better than when she began preschool, but could still improve some.

I bought a new hamper at Costco. One of those kind that have a frame and three separate bags. We had a similar one a couple years ago but it was made with plastic and would fall apart under the weight of the laundry. This new one is a metal frame and is holding up very nicely.

And that's all I can think of to write right now.

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