Tuesday, July 8, 2003 | 11:00 p.m. Alaska Time

Money Money Money

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan...


Hubby called early this morning from work to ask me to bring him C's pinkeye medication because he felt like he had a case of pinkeye coming on. He also asked me to bring a book of checks because he was out.

M had pre-school this morning. It's a drop-off program. When I tried to leave the first time, she got all clingy and teary, saying no. I stayed for a few more minutes. She finally got interested in something and let me go, giving me lots of kisses.

After dropping her off, I headed to the credit union to try to figure out my financial mess, but they don't open until 10 a.m.

So I went to hubby's work to bring him the medication and checks.

He wasn't there.

His boss sent him home because of the possibility of pinkeye.

So, I went home. On the way home, I called home to see if hubby was there. He wasn't, but there were a couple messages on the answering machine.

The first was from my 401(k) administrator telling me she got the fax this time and that she would be faxing me forms to fill out and to fax back. The second message was from hubby, telling me he was being sent home and would see me soon. I hung up and called again, leaving a message for him that I had just left his work and for him to call me back on the cell phone.

About five minutes later, he did. He told me he made a doctor's appointment for later in the morning. I told him I was on the way home and would be there soon.

I went to the credit union around 10:30 and explained to the teller helping me my situation. She said I'd have to make a stop payment on one of the checks, so I chose the first check (the one for $850 for June that bounced and which the landlady resubmitted without my knowledge, thus me writing a combined June & July check for $1700). The fee for the stop payment was $18.

Why doesn't hubby take over the finances like he threatened he would do?

Okay, after getting that mess taken care of, I went home and took a shower. Then I went to pick up M at preschool and went home.

Since the landlady's raising the rent by $100 in September, we decided to move out. The duplex was built in 1968 and I don't feel it's worth $950/month to rent. So I got a jump on cleaning it by finally removing the colored pencil marks C scribbled on her bedroom wall one day. I first started to erase them, but that was taking too long and the textured wall was really eating up the eraser. So I got the 409 and that worked. Unfortunately, it didn't work on the PEN scribbles. Not sure what to try for that.

Anyway, I was running out of time and had to bring the girls to the sitter's and go to work.

At work, I got my 401(k) loan paperwork. I signed it, got hubby to sign his part, and faxed it back. I also asked our personnel lady to mail the originals back to the administrator.

Now I'm worried the loan won't be approved.

Hubby and I have been fighting about money for two days now. I hate it. It's horrible. He transferred $1000 from his savings to our joint checking account to help cover uncleared checks, namely the $1700 June/July rent check and the $330 check I wrote for our plane tickets.

I hate how he complains that 401(k) programs are a crock of shit. I said it's better than a regular savings account because the employer also contributes to the account. I'm just worried that come retirement time, I'm going to have money saved up and he won't and we'll be living off what little I get from my 401(k), poor as churchmice. I've had my 401(k) for about 10 years now and have roughly 25k in it. He has no retirement account and his savings is being depleted because of his health problems and their effect on our finances.

I'm such a worrywart right now. Almost as bad as my mom.

Anyway, I should be hearing from my 401(k) administrator soon about the loan.

I went home for dinner and when I left, M actually didn't throw a separation anxiety tantrum like she usually does. Surprised me. She just gave me lots of kisses, hugs, said bye bye and waved at me as I drove off.

Back at work, I got a reporter's script that made me want to quit my job. Still seriously considering it and this script may be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

What happened was the reporter didn't put down the time code for the soundbites so I didn't know where to find them on the half-hour tape I had. I couldn't find his notes and he wasn't home. I left a message with his wife to call me.

Eventually he did and said the script he printed had the time code so he figured somebody reprinted the script. He hadn't saved it with the time code, so the script I received didn't have the time code on it.

Once we got that figured out, the producer found the script he had printed that she had tossed out because she changed the script. And I was finally able to edit the soundbites.






I tell ya, I'm gonna quit my job! I'm ready to go work for Jeannie Greene's Heartbeat Alaska program, even though I hear she's a real bitch to work for. Can't be any worse than the shit I have to put up with at my current job.

I dunno, I'm just venting, but I'm so sick of my job.

I really liked the morning shift I worked last week. Maybe I'll wait it out here a bit longer and see if the opportunity to work the morning shift arises in the next month or so.

But if that 401(k) loan isn't approved, I just may have to quit to get my 401(k) money to pay bills.

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