Sunday, May 6, 2001 | 7:29 p.m. AST Alaska Time

Outta the house

We went for a drive down to Girdwood today, just to get out of the house. The girls fell asleep in the back seat, like they always do. I worked on a baby blanket I started crocheting two years ago for my sister's baby (she was 7 months pregnant at the time, the child is almost two now!). It's a blanket with 52 motifs, I've done 39. Just 13 more. Hopefully I can get it done before she turns two in September.

After getting back to town, we went to my brother-in-law's to see their new puppy but nobody was home, so we went to my sister-in-law's to visit. After leaving there, we went to the mall and got hubby and I some new tennis shoes, which we both badly needed.

Then we came home. Hubby cooked spaghetti while I vacuumed. The baby fell asleep on the way home so I put her in her crib. She'll be waking up any minute now.

Hubby went to rent a movie. This should be interesting to see what he comes home with. Better not be some stupid space movie or some movie he watched years ago and is dying for me to see. Can you tell I hate it when he goes to rent a movie without me? :o)

Gotta work tomorrow at 4am, which means early to bed for me. Well, if you call 10pm early. It's usually more like 10:30 and not asleep before 11. It's the kids that keep me awake, or should I say the baby? Lately though, she's been going to bed around 9, so I shouldn't have an excuse. Okay, how 'bout this: I'm not tired before 10:30. Now that the sun is staying up longer, it's that much harder to go to bed at 10.

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